Key dates

Abstract submission

1st February


Paper submission

1st April


Poster submission

15th April




All Abstracts will be reviewed and approved by the Organising Committee.

Rejections of the Abstract will be sent to you with reviewer comments. If revision is required, the revised Abstract must be submitted within a week.

You can follow the status of the Abstract in the online registration system


A collection of abstracts (Book of Abstracts) will be published in printed version and online in Riga Technical University E-books catalogue

See here the book of Abstracts 2024

See here the Book of Abstracts 2023



Please note that the acceptance of submitted articles is contingent upon receiving a positive peer review. Authors are responsible for ensuring the scientific quality of their paper. The initial submission does not guarantee publication. All submitted papers will undergo a peer review process, and they must receive a positive evaluation to be considered for publication.

If the reviewers find no issues with the paper, it can proceed for publication in the scientific journal. If, however, the reviewers recommend changes, authors are expected to make the necessary revisions and resubmit the updated paper for consideration.

It’s important to be aware that if an article receives a negative peer review, it will not be published in the scientific journal.

After the final acceptance the authors will be informed of the status of their participation in the Conference as a speaker in Session or a participant in Poster session.


Accepted papers will be published in the international scientific journal “Environmental and Climate Technologies”. The journal is indexed in Scopus and Web of Science.

Paper presentation at the conference

Presentation type

The type of paper presentation at the conference (oral or poster) will be decided by Scientific Committee. Maximum one in-person presentation per author.

Oral presentation

Oral presentations are given 10 minutes with 5 minutes for discussion.

Poster presentation

Poster presentations are given 2 minutes with 2 minutes for discussion.

Poster session will be held both in printed and in digital format.

There is a possibility to add an audio recording for the digital Poster. Please record an audio file for your Poster. The audio must be maximum 3 minutes long and tells the most important details of your Paper.

Posters submitted on time will be printed and displayed during the conference by the conference organisers.