Attendee reviews

I participate in this conference every year and a sizable delegation from Estonia usually attends this conference. I appreciate the diversity of the event, encompassing a wide range of scientific topics such as energy planning, smart energy systems, bioeconomy, and many others. The conference not only attracts participants from various countries but also maintains a cozy atmosphere, fostering meaningful interactions withparticipants. I highly recommend my colleagues and students to join, as the conference provides a valuable platform for networking and knowledge exchange. Professor, Tallinn University of Technology

My participation in the conference was truly enlightening. The meticulous organization of the event greatly contributed to a seamless and enriching experience. From the thoughtfully curated sessions to the well-structured networking opportunities, every aspect of the conference demonstrated a high level of commitment to ensuring the participants’ engagement and satisfaction. As a frequent attendee, I gained valuable insights into energy and climate technologies, which have proven instrumental in my professional growth. The diverse range of speakers and the interactive nature of the sessions fostered an environment conducive to learning and collaboration. The CONECT conference left a lasting impression on me, and I am eager to participate in future editions. I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the conference’s success by sharing my feedback on the website. An associate professor at the energy engineering department of the German Jordanian University

CONECT is a truly enjoyable and well-organized conference. It offers the opportunity to gain insight into a wide range of topics and network with researchers from diverse disciplines.
Professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences

The CONECT conference brings people together! This valuable event integrates the scientific community focused on environmental protection, management, and engineering, also at the interface of electrical engineering and computer science to create new environmentally friendly technologies. Excellent organization and great team! Thank you and highly recommend this valuable conference for the scientific world”.

As a conference participant and a PhD researcher, Conect 2023 had given me the opportunity to meet with people from varius fields, but with aim the mitigation of the climate change. Networking with other participants and specialists has been really beneficial, especially for promoting collaboration opportunities and strengthening my professional network. In adition, Conect 2023 organizations was rigorous. The schedule was well-planned throughout the days with engaging speakers and informative sessions. These sessions can really broaden your knowledge across different fields, and give ideas for future steps. Moreover, the social events were helpful not only in the professional level, but also in the social level, as I had the chance to meet with other academics, researchers and professionals around the world. Overall, my experience as a conference participant has been enlightening, both in my personal and professional growth.